
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

[REVIEW] Smartfren Andromax Mifi M3Y

Yak !!!! akhirnya aku kembali ke dunia blog !! Setelah sekian lama vakum karena rasa malas yang tiba-tiba melanda saya seperti tsunami .... namun hari ini saya bangkit kembali !!! *pouring confetti to self* . Hmmmm...berapa lama ya aku nggak buka ini blog, OH IYA, dan akhirnya ini adalah post-an pertama aku dalam bahasa indonesia yang tidak cukup baik dan benar hmmm ....oke kita stop cuap-nguap  disini. Malam ini sesuai dengan  judulnya aku akan kasih review tentang mifi ( pocket wifi), jadi yang namanya mi-fi tuh bisa dibawa kemana-mana bahasa kerennya sih portable gitu lah ya ~. Ini dia penampakan mifi dari provider Indonesia Smartfren.  Dengan harga terjangkau sekitar 299K saja, kalian uda bisa nikmatin kecepatan internet 4G LTE. 


Ini masih penampakan packaging dari Smartfren Andromax mifi M3Y

Bisa dilihat ya jaringan yang diberikan mifi ini adalah 4G LTE, namun sayangnya jaringan 4G LTE di indonesia belum merata yaa guys ~ jadi kalian yang mau beli mifi smartfren ini harus cek dulu ya apa daerah/kota tempat kalian tinggal udah ter-cover jaringan 4G LTE. Kalo tempat kalian tinggal belum ada jaringan ini, ya kemungkinan waktu kalian pakai browsing lama gitu atau malah panas banget mifi nya karena nggak ada signal 4G LTE. 

Di dalam packaging itu ada : 1 buah mifi, banyak buku user guide haha, kartu garansi (garansi 1 tahun), dan kabel USB. Nah, waktu beli di gerai Smartfren mas-mas petugas nya akan bilang kalo ini tanpa kepala charger, iya tanpa kepala charger, jadi kalian bisa pakai kepala charger hape kalian asal output-nya 1A ~ begitu kata mas di gerai Smartfrennya. 

Dan seperti inilah penampakan dimensi dari Smartfren Andromax Mifi M3Y~

Punya aku warna hitam, mentang-mentang suka hitam akhirnya dapet yang hitam pula ~ . Seri M3Y ini merupakan mifi seri terbaru dari Smartfren, dan mereka punya warna hitam dan putih. Sedangkan saudaranya seri M3Z mereka punya warna hitam, biru dan coklat. Smartfren Mifi M3Y ini terbilang ringan guys, walaupun ringan baterai yang dibawa dialamnya sudah mencapai 3000 mAh. Jadi buat kalian yang memutuskan akan membeli Mifi ini ga akan nyesel karena berdasarkan pengalaman 2 hari memakai mifi Smartfren ini batere nya awet ya aku pakai selama 13 JAM non-stop loh ! Apalagi hari gini kita ga bisa lepas dari namanya lihat instagram, twitter, line, atau kalau blogger kaya aku gini ya penting juga sih koneksi yang stabil biar stay connected *ceileh kaya endorse-an*. Jadi waktu pertama beli, gabisa langsung dipakai, kita harus cas dulu nih mifi selama 3 jam, dan waktu charging yang dibutuhin sekitar 2 jam aja kalo lampu indikator nya udah kedip-kedip merah. 

Nah ini bagian-bagian yang ada di permukaan si mifi smartfren M3Y

Jadi tombol tengah itu tombol power, yang sebelah kanan itu indikator apa ya .... hahahaah lupa, nah yang bawah logo wifi itu kalau lampunya warna biru waktu dinyalain itu tandanya lagi stand by, kalau yang atas itu indikator signal 4G LTE (merah: signal jelek, Biru: signal bagus), kalau yang kiri itu indikator baterainya, kalau lagi di charge lucu deh warna warni gitu lampu indikatornya merah hijau biru kedip-kedip ala-ala disco.  Kalau merah tandanya baterainya udah mau abis, kalau biru berarti batere full atau sekitar 59% gitu guys~

Overall untuk kalian yang memang suka surfing di dunia mbak maya ini mifi ini cukuplah buat memenuhi hasrat tetep update kekinian kalian :) oh iya kecepatannya aku coba test di kemarin ping 32 ms, download sekitar 6 Mb-an dan upload sekitar 2 Mb-an. Cukup banget lah kalau lagi whatsapp-an masih typing udah kekirim hoahahaha lebayyy!  

Sekian review Smartfren Andromax Mifi M3Y ~ enjoy reading my blog *padahal kosong* and let's be friends !!  :DD 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Birthday at Aventree BBQ House & Homestay Review

6th June was my birthday ~
And im lazy to write this post, but i have some pictures that screamed want to be posted here so here they are 

Aventree is a nice place afterall, and this is my first came to visit this new bbq house , located near my university (at soekarano hatta street, malang) and heard some rumor that this aventree place had Korean-theme so take a look :

They have bbq *of course*, shabu-shabu, And some korean dishes :) 

Unfortunately titis sister couldn't come due to her college task :( so we came just 4 of us :) 

and some unproperly the pic of me of course !!! 

And the food that we ordered ~ some of them forgot to taken ~

  *The normally Shabu-Shabu look*

The barbeque that we grilled quickly and wildly :D

I lovee the ppatbingsoo ~~ yumm !! really no jokes~ 

And this is the korean sushi roll: kimbab :)  

And the last, The happy girl while eating ~~ Happy Birthday to me !

See Ya  !!! 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Cute Phone : Galaxy Grand Duos- I9082 ! *Late post* And Cute Font for Android ( Korean / Hangeul / 한글 , Japanese , Chinese )

Okay like what i promise , now i'm back and gonna write about my new phone !!!! Yeay !!! *happy for no reason* 
let's go , first i want to introduce my phone , It's Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos - I9082 . I ask my mom to buy me a new phone kkkk then i saw this Galaxy Grand Commercial so i decided to buy it :) Love you mom ! ㅋㅋㅋ 정말  고마워 !  
It has 5.01" TFT touch screen *wider and much bigger than my last phone of course* , and it has dual sim card GSM on ! i really need it cause i use two sim card :) but i won't bring 2 phones everywhere so annoying la. Then, it available on 3 colours Black, Midnight Blue *mine* and White . This Samsung Galaxy Grand has 3.5G network speed , We can do video call with 2 MP front camera and took a great photos with 8 MP rear camera. Ah , and good news is ....... this phone has Auto-Focus guys ! 

Mine, Midnight Blue :) actually i want black but then i got this cause mom already order this color 휴ㅠㅠ 

And whose is this ????  This White Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos was belongs to Titis 언니 
both of us love pink but for phone i prefer dark color even white was damn cute actually >_< 

Q1: Why didn't i choose Samsung Galaxy S4 ?

I already have camera so i don't really need a phone with  13MP camera :) and Samsung Galaxy S4 was a bit smaller tho , so i prefer this phone . Even Samsung Galaxy S4 has super-AMOLED screen and full HD i don't care . With this phone i can enjoying watching exo , infinite , and All kpop videos in HD ! :)

I'm officially have thia phone in the end of 2013. I always love to unboxing a new thing, especially gadget . I looove it !! really love it :D . 

Okay , let' mooveee to the Android Application. Recently i like to change my phone font , my bff lita told me about this when i saw her galaxy S4 i found if her font is cute and asked her she said if she got from Application on Playstore called "iFont" if you don't know where to change your font WITHOUT ROOT your android device directly grab it for free on Playstore guys !! 빠리 빠리 !!! o(^^o) (o^^)o 고고씽 ~ iFont really had a lot of  kind of fonts make you wanna change your font everyday hahahaha ! 
i need this cause i wont root my phone *the warranty still working le* I'll give you a look to this app here you go :

This is the screen shot of my screen :) i looove pink  ♥ can you found iFont app ??

Nah, now you can see the screenshot of iFont app . 
There's a lot of kind of fonts :) choose what you want and here's the sample screenhot of the fonts : 

A lot of kind models for normal font 

As you can see a lot of cute korean aka hangeul fonts and also for japanese and chinese font !!! so cute right ?!  i hope this entry will help you to make your phone more cute guys :) See you on the next post guys ! :* 추 ~~~~ 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ulzzang Eyeliner Make Up ! ( Girl's Day Minah Inspired )

Hi everyone , today i'm gonna show you my face *again* . Recently i loved to play girl's day MV - Expectation (기대해) . I just love them there , the make up and especially the eyeliner ! I love to play with my Eyeliner since i know and i'm an ulzzang wannabe an eyeliner is a must :) *even sometimes i didn't use it* You can acknoweledge ulzzang from her eyeliner , and some ulzzang boys did too . I found this picture and decide to put here because she's cute and i like her style , i don't know who is she ? if you know who is she please tell me thanks kkk

And ... yes ! this is me with Girl's Day Minah inspired eyeliner

me = failed !

You can use or draw eyeliner in some different ways ! Just match it with your mood or style , like this . 

Those're some eyeliner style that i choose from some other blog :) . May be it can inspired you like minah inspired me .

Friday, February 21, 2014

1st day after 1 month holiday

Finally !! new semester you know !!!! ......*wind blowing*.......
It's summer here and always be (?) . Hello! i'm back to college after 1 month holiday for this semester , and my holiday was soooooooo BORING -_- 
hahahha ! back to hometown , and couldn't visit my grandma *Miss her a lot* . My mom always busy so i can't go anywhere except watching tv and EXO SHOWTIME *recently i become EXOSTAN! muahahahha i love OH SE HUN :D do you ?? 

And it's just 1st week college, and no assignment yet . So after meet up at classme and my bff went to mall near our university and decided to eat sushi again . Before we went to mall we had selca selfie or whatever ㅋㅋㅋ!


A lil bit blurry sowwy for bad quality , long time no took selca :"

And the main menu for today :

Peko-Peko Sushi Samurai Set A cost only 90k 
and its quite enough for who starving japanese food ! 

Nah my beloved readers who still want to visit my blog , this entry end till here . 안녕 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ !!!
